Architect's Hall
Take Eric's hand, with your Cube in the other, and be led through the corridors of your mind that pops you out of the general gridwork of reality and into your higher operating states via intense Micro to Macro shifts.
Included in this class is an incredible 50 minute guided Cube Dreamscape and it is an absolute masterpiece!
Architect's Hall is both highly informative on the knowledge front and spiritually moving at a core level. Return to this class often to deepen your connection and your bond with your Cube. Each review will feel like the first and like so many of Eric's teachings, you may even feel like this is his best work ever!
2018, Duration: 2 hours 33 minutes

Awakening the Cube
- How to increase the value of your Cube and make it even more powerful
- Techniques for infusing the cube with your consciousness
- A simple but brilliant practice for using the cube to enter a zen state of mind that will slow your mind and quiet the babbler by up to 80%.
- Pro tips for housing your Cube and a ritualistic treatment for it.
- Pulling data from parallel lives where you also have the Cube.
- Use your cube for Time Stepping
- Use your Cube like a Mage and learn various ways of connecting to it, doing energy movements with it, and other techniques which are in some ways similar to a mala bead meditation.
September 2017, Duration: 2 hours 28 minutes

Cube Training 3.0
Breaking down the nature of Cube and how it governs our reality as a framework that exists on even the most minuscule levels of physics. The literal building blocks of an artificially generated reality.
At the conclusion of this class, you will no longer wonder why the Siddhis Cube is what it is, instead you will begin to use it for its purpose, to become one of the programmers within it. This class is a good first step towards understanding and learning to utilize one of the greatest secrets there is.
2014, Duration: 1 hour 37 minutes

Cubescape 5.0
How does a spiritually evolved person approach "right" or "wrong"? Is it a philosophy or a real-world application?
In this discussion, discover how the Cube can be used as "heavy artillery" for the war of consciousness. Join in on a planning session with Eric and an intimate group of Navigators, and watch as he handcrafts a series of experiences to show you the mechanism behind remote influence, the matrix, and how to hack that "refresh rate"!
Some of the things you'll learn in this class include:
- Who are the jumpers?
- What does it mean to "Jump"?
- What is a Flight-Plan and what are some of the ways a Flight-Plan can be designed?
- How does my Cube assist in the process of imbuing or influencing reality to take on corrupted malware programs such as groups with ideologies that have been taken over by the darkside and are set on destruction, death, and reaping havoc on the world?
- Is my Cube a "stand-alone" unit?
- How can I have an effect on the larger collective consciousness?
- Why is it important to let go of emotion and enter non-thought in order to reach a higher level of understanding others?
2016, Duration: 2 hours 55 minutes

Folding Cube Class
This class is thought by many advanced Higher Balance students to be one of the most advanced courses Eric has ever taught. If you're newer to HBI, it's crucial to get more of the basics down before starting a course like this. If you have a Cube, it is recommended that you get The Sphere along with this and review The Sphere first.
Folding goes into the secret code of using micro-macro that will enable you to have macro effects on the Gaia consciousness using powerful techniques designed to bloom both your consciousness and that of your Cube as one.
Learn how to expand your consciousness far beyond the scope of your sense of self as a human being, and lift your consciousness from its "machinery".
Using Eric's very precise guidance, both in the class and then especially in a 50-minute dreamscape that follows, you will learn the secret yoga of stretching your spatial awareness. As you begin exercising this unique attribute of your psychic sensory, it will in-time take you beyond your wildest expectations. This could happen on your first go, or it may take practice to become skilled with it as most things do, but you can bet it will shift you and leave you with seeds that will sprout, for many instances, in moments when you least expect them too.
(Included is a guided session with a custom-made playlist that will require you to temporarily sign up for Spotify Premium to reap the class’s full benefits. Directions included.)
October 2020, Duration: 2 hours 27 minutes

Love Bomb
In this premium class, you’ll learn to develop yourself as a “jumper.” Jumpers are HBI trained students who remote influence situations and events to better the Earth and humanity. It is one way to serve the Universe, by anchoring the Universe’s will on the planet and navigating the collective consciousness toward evolutionary steps that can heal and improve the future. This session is for students of all levels and is the largest jump that’s ever taken place so far in HBI history.
(Included is a guided session with a custom-made playlist that will require you to temporarily sign up for Spotify Premium to reap the class’s full benefits. Directions included.)
April 2020, Duration: 3 hours 6 minutes

Metatron's Cube
Enter the mind of the writer, the observer, the quantum programmer of this reality. Pick up your baton and learn how to conduct the next line of code into the Matrix of reality as it manifests around you. Explore not only the crafting of the Cube but the Journey of Consciousness Awakening.
Eric gives instruction on the use of the most advanced technology on Earth [Your Cube]. By the end, you'll understand why the box only opens when everything is perfect.
FAQs covered:
- Clearing and recharging your Cube
- Can someone else touch my Cube?
- How does the Cube personalize to me?
- How does the Cube springboard my awareness?
- The link between perception and Navigation
- The role of a White Cell in this life...and how that fits into the bigger picture!
- And Eric shows us what's in "The Wooden Box"
Metratron's Cube is a 3 part class, part one was recorded in Eric's home, part two and three were from a live webinar broadcast.
2015, Duration: 3 hours 39 minutes

Rotation Codes: Cube Science
Rotation Codes is the most densely packed Cube class of any class to date. This is where Eric delves heavily into what he referred to as Cube Science. There is an entire language of code to be learned which is all centered around the dynamics of... you guessed it, of cube.
2017, Duration: 2 hours 40 minutes

Siddhis Cube Retreat
"Your Siddhis Cube is sacred, it is your temple. We don't have a church to go to, or an ashram, we have a Cube to go to." ~ Eric Pepin
So much is included in this Cube retreat that was recorded at an in-person event at the Vimy House in Granada Hills California, in November of 2012. This is the only physical retreat that was ever done centered almost solely around the Cubes. It includes a recorded Cube Dreamscape session which Eric performed live. (Audio quality is not great but still very powerful, Eric's guidance is incredibly impactful and moving during this recorded session).
Some of the things covered in this program include:
- How to use the Cube to become an anomaly in the matrix
- What is the operational level?
- How do ego and pride hold one back from having a bigger effect with their cube, and how does it keep one from entering enlightened states of being.
- Selfishness VS. Selflessness and how the Force factors in a form of exchange of proliferation when it is determining who it invests itself in and by how much.
- The importance of being aligned with the will of the Force
- Eric introduces the concept of shaving versus taking chunks too big to be true when manifesting for yourself or another and what makes the matrix isolate and reset you.
- How to end the patterns of failure in your life, and what are the variables that cause it to manifest.
- Reality is held together by magnetism, the cubes are teaching devices for mastering reality
- You have the power to affect other people's lives, how to use your Cube to do so in uniquely powerful ways
- It's always about 3's when it comes to influencing and manifesting reality, what is so powerful about having 3 or more people all inserting a program into reality at once?
- Clever strategies for manifestation success (How to work the variables)
- Fading Technique, how do you fade a person away from your life
- If you lose, sometimes you really win... "I'm constantly trying to lose, I'm constantly figuring out how can I lose... so I win..."
2012, Duration: 4 hours 10 minutes

The Sphere
Following reports recently declassified from the U.S. pentagon, one of which was a UFO or UAP described as a floating black box encased in what was reported to look like a transparent outer sphere. This uniquely shaped UAP had shot in-between and nearly collided with two United States aviation units. What on earth was it and where did it come from?
Naturally when news of this report first leaked it raised eyebrows amongst everyone who's followed Eric's teachings since 2011's Kairos and even previous to then with Black Box: Navigation.
Eric felt he had some explaining to do, this is what then became The Sphere.
The Sphere offers several never before given techniques that act as an ignition switch for your Cube. If you want to dial up your connection to the Cube and access it's true power, this class is sure to be an upgrade toy our skill level and the results you get as a result of using it with Eric's meticulously well thought guidance. Ingenious doesn't even begin to do it justice.
Techniques Include:
- Blossoming Of The lotus from the Cube and your chest intelligence center.
- Plugging Into The Cube Network
- Inserting Programs Into The Membrane of Reality
- Immersion Meditation Technique
- And Much more
August 2019, Duration: 2 hours 24 minutes

Architect's Hall
Take Eric's hand, with your Cube in the other, and be led through the corridors of your mind that pops you out of the general gridwork of reality and into your higher operating states via intense Micro to Macro shifts.
Included in this class is an incredible 50 minute guided Cube Dreamscape and it is an absolute masterpiece!
Architect's Hall is both highly informative on the knowledge front and spiritually moving at a core level. Return to this class often to deepen your connection and your bond with your Cube. Each review will feel like the first and like so many of Eric's teachings, you may even feel like this is his best work ever!
2018, Duration: 2 hours 33 minutes

Awakening the Cube
- How to increase the value of your Cube and make it even more powerful
- Techniques for infusing the cube with your consciousness
- A simple but brilliant practice for using the cube to enter a zen state of mind that will slow your mind and quiet the babbler by up to 80%.
- Pro tips for housing your Cube and a ritualistic treatment for it.
- Pulling data from parallel lives where you also have the Cube.
- Use your cube for Time Stepping
- Use your Cube like a Mage and learn various ways of connecting to it, doing energy movements with it, and other techniques which are in some ways similar to a mala bead meditation.
September 2017, Duration: 2 hours 28 minutes

Cube Training 3.0
Breaking down the nature of Cube and how it governs our reality as a framework that exists on even the most minuscule levels of physics. The literal building blocks of an artificially generated reality.
At the conclusion of this class, you will no longer wonder why the Siddhis Cube is what it is, instead you will begin to use it for its purpose, to become one of the programmers within it. This class is a good first step towards understanding and learning to utilize one of the greatest secrets there is.
2014, Duration: 1 hour 37 minutes

Cubescape 5.0
How does a spiritually evolved person approach "right" or "wrong"? Is it a philosophy or a real-world application?
In this discussion, discover how the Cube can be used as "heavy artillery" for the war of consciousness. Join in on a planning session with Eric and an intimate group of Navigators, and watch as he handcrafts a series of experiences to show you the mechanism behind remote influence, the matrix, and how to hack that "refresh rate"!
Some of the things you'll learn in this class include:
- Who are the jumpers?
- What does it mean to "Jump"?
- What is a Flight-Plan and what are some of the ways a Flight-Plan can be designed?
- How does my Cube assist in the process of imbuing or influencing reality to take on corrupted malware programs such as groups with ideologies that have been taken over by the darkside and are set on destruction, death, and reaping havoc on the world?
- Is my Cube a "stand-alone" unit?
- How can I have an effect on the larger collective consciousness?
- Why is it important to let go of emotion and enter non-thought in order to reach a higher level of understanding others?
2016, Duration: 2 hours 55 minutes

Folding Cube Class
This class is thought by many advanced Higher Balance students to be one of the most advanced courses Eric has ever taught. If you're newer to HBI, it's crucial to get more of the basics down before starting a course like this. If you have a Cube, it is recommended that you get The Sphere along with this and review The Sphere first.
Folding goes into the secret code of using micro-macro that will enable you to have macro effects on the Gaia consciousness using powerful techniques designed to bloom both your consciousness and that of your Cube as one.
Learn how to expand your consciousness far beyond the scope of your sense of self as a human being, and lift your consciousness from its "machinery".
Using Eric's very precise guidance, both in the class and then especially in a 50-minute dreamscape that follows, you will learn the secret yoga of stretching your spatial awareness. As you begin exercising this unique attribute of your psychic sensory, it will in-time take you beyond your wildest expectations. This could happen on your first go, or it may take practice to become skilled with it as most things do, but you can bet it will shift you and leave you with seeds that will sprout, for many instances, in moments when you least expect them too.
(Included is a guided session with a custom-made playlist that will require you to temporarily sign up for Spotify Premium to reap the class’s full benefits. Directions included.)
October 2020, Duration: 2 hours 27 minutes

Love Bomb
In this premium class, you’ll learn to develop yourself as a “jumper.” Jumpers are HBI trained students who remote influence situations and events to better the Earth and humanity. It is one way to serve the Universe, by anchoring the Universe’s will on the planet and navigating the collective consciousness toward evolutionary steps that can heal and improve the future. This session is for students of all levels and is the largest jump that’s ever taken place so far in HBI history.
(Included is a guided session with a custom-made playlist that will require you to temporarily sign up for Spotify Premium to reap the class’s full benefits. Directions included.)
April 2020, Duration: 3 hours 6 minutes

Metatron's Cube
Enter the mind of the writer, the observer, the quantum programmer of this reality. Pick up your baton and learn how to conduct the next line of code into the Matrix of reality as it manifests around you. Explore not only the crafting of the Cube but the Journey of Consciousness Awakening.
Eric gives instruction on the use of the most advanced technology on Earth [Your Cube]. By the end, you'll understand why the box only opens when everything is perfect.
FAQs covered:
- Clearing and recharging your Cube
- Can someone else touch my Cube?
- How does the Cube personalize to me?
- How does the Cube springboard my awareness?
- The link between perception and Navigation
- The role of a White Cell in this life...and how that fits into the bigger picture!
- And Eric shows us what's in "The Wooden Box"
Metratron's Cube is a 3 part class, part one was recorded in Eric's home, part two and three were from a live webinar broadcast.
2015, Duration: 3 hours 39 minutes

Rotation Codes: Cube Science
Rotation Codes is the most densely packed Cube class of any class to date. This is where Eric delves heavily into what he referred to as Cube Science. There is an entire language of code to be learned which is all centered around the dynamics of... you guessed it, of cube.
2017, Duration: 2 hours 40 minutes

Siddhis Cube Retreat
"Your Siddhis Cube is sacred, it is your temple. We don't have a church to go to, or an ashram, we have a Cube to go to." ~ Eric Pepin
So much is included in this Cube retreat that was recorded at an in-person event at the Vimy House in Granada Hills California, in November of 2012. This is the only physical retreat that was ever done centered almost solely around the Cubes. It includes a recorded Cube Dreamscape session which Eric performed live. (Audio quality is not great but still very powerful, Eric's guidance is incredibly impactful and moving during this recorded session).
Some of the things covered in this program include:
- How to use the Cube to become an anomaly in the matrix
- What is the operational level?
- How do ego and pride hold one back from having a bigger effect with their cube, and how does it keep one from entering enlightened states of being.
- Selfishness VS. Selflessness and how the Force factors in a form of exchange of proliferation when it is determining who it invests itself in and by how much.
- The importance of being aligned with the will of the Force
- Eric introduces the concept of shaving versus taking chunks too big to be true when manifesting for yourself or another and what makes the matrix isolate and reset you.
- How to end the patterns of failure in your life, and what are the variables that cause it to manifest.
- Reality is held together by magnetism, the cubes are teaching devices for mastering reality
- You have the power to affect other people's lives, how to use your Cube to do so in uniquely powerful ways
- It's always about 3's when it comes to influencing and manifesting reality, what is so powerful about having 3 or more people all inserting a program into reality at once?
- Clever strategies for manifestation success (How to work the variables)
- Fading Technique, how do you fade a person away from your life
- If you lose, sometimes you really win... "I'm constantly trying to lose, I'm constantly figuring out how can I lose... so I win..."
2012, Duration: 4 hours 10 minutes

The Sphere
Following reports recently declassified from the U.S. pentagon, one of which was a UFO or UAP described as a floating black box encased in what was reported to look like a transparent outer sphere. This uniquely shaped UAP had shot in-between and nearly collided with two United States aviation units. What on earth was it and where did it come from?
Naturally when news of this report first leaked it raised eyebrows amongst everyone who's followed Eric's teachings since 2011's Kairos and even previous to then with Black Box: Navigation.
Eric felt he had some explaining to do, this is what then became The Sphere.
The Sphere offers several never before given techniques that act as an ignition switch for your Cube. If you want to dial up your connection to the Cube and access it's true power, this class is sure to be an upgrade toy our skill level and the results you get as a result of using it with Eric's meticulously well thought guidance. Ingenious doesn't even begin to do it justice.
Techniques Include:
- Blossoming Of The lotus from the Cube and your chest intelligence center.
- Plugging Into The Cube Network
- Inserting Programs Into The Membrane of Reality
- Immersion Meditation Technique
- And Much more
August 2019, Duration: 2 hours 24 minutes